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How to build administrative organizations based on performance, providing a better customer experience at a lower cost.

Aligning people around common metrics and goals, as well as driving consistent employee actions, are critical components of a performance culture.

Make each element part of the objectives

Faced with performance management, the Human Resources area has been increasingly linked to the achievement of business objectives, ensuring that all staff feel involved through a participatory perspective towards those objectives.

For this reason, the new management models focus on motivating the workforce and generating a perception of the team. This feeling gives the worker greater security in his job and in his position as part of the organization’s machinery. All this translates into a higher rate of productivity and loyalty. In addition, more goals are achieved and talent is retained.

This way of working requires the HR department to perform basic functions for Performance Management to work.

Successfully incorporating output and performance measurement

To incorporate Performance Management, it is essential to start with a solid corporate philosophy: mission, vision and values will be the benchmark for the implementation of tools that facilitate organizational management.

Then, the development of a relationship that specifies the functions of each worker, department or team, which will clarify the individual objectives to the maximum.

With the capabilities, plan and objectives defined, the following actions will be aimed at managing performance. The analytics of the productivity levels must become something habitual for the employee. The results of this analysis should lead to training actions, fairer salaries and the growth of the company.

At this stage, it is very important to generate feedback that serves to highlight the good and correct errors in the chain.

A friendly and profound transformation

With Performance Management (PM), organizations create a culture based on performance and consequently offer a better customer experience at a lower cost.

By engaging employees well beyond a dashboard through the use of customized reports, workflows, and training, alignment with internal policies is encouraged.

PM transforms and offers value in three dimensions:

1. Alignment

It combines corporate goals with individual and departmental goals, empowering managers and employees to track their results based on their goals.

2. Self-management

Personal performance is visible to the individual. Empowering people to improve their own performance promotes greater employee satisfaction as well as easier self-management to meet their goals. At the same time, supervisors will identify and focus on the people and issues that need special attention.

3. Integration

Reports and workflows in a PM solution drive accountability across all areas of the organization and help track business impact. Another great benefit is the injection of data from systems across the enterprise, making this solution a single source of accurate information. A common database of performance results eliminates redundant reports and outdated information. Complexities, such as new hires, are accounted for with clear objectives.

Strengthening the virtues of Performance Management

The value of a PM stands out if it operates the data of other systems and is combined with more solutions. It is a transforming element in the Contact Center and BPO’s, clearly demonstrating to offer greater performance.

Connection points for PM include:

Workforce Management (WFM)

When combined, each agent, supervisor, manager, administrator, can see their performance and schedule in one place and easily report on WFM-based metrics focused on organizational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Real Time Activity Monitoring (RTAM)

Enhance training with powerful desktop monitoring tools. Tracks employee work and non-work time, as well as process steps, enabling best practices to be developed around more critical processes. This data is sent to PM to calculate back office performance metrics.

Real-time process optimization (RTPO)

PM identifies the specific issues an employee needs help with and when they encounter that situation. In combination with RTPO they can guide an employee through a process that leads them to work more efficiently and in a focused way.

Customer satisfaction

PM quickly transforms poor operational performance from the back office into a compelling competitive advantage by providing all employees, from processing analysts to executives, visibility into daily results against targets, as well as deep insight into the specific areas they are working on. they need attention.

TELNORM has successfully implemented PM solutions tailored to each organization. The immediate visible benefits are the result of the integration of the best technological options on the market in the hands of expert consultants, developers and integrators. Can we help you? Sure we can, contact us.

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